Sony Corporation
- Seems to mostly be legacy apps and device-specific apps
- Sony Mobile Communication
- PlayStation Mobile Inc.
Sony Insider
- Has only one app: Sony Insider
Sony Music Entertainment
- Apps for fans of bands
Sony Entertainment Network
- Used to have Music Unlimited, but that’s been gutted in favour of Spotify on Sony devices. Now just holds Video Unlimited and Account Manager.
Sony Digital Entertainment Services Inc.
- Seems to be dedicated to the east-asian market
Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc.
- Picture and video editing apps that seem to all use the same UI - an application suite, in essence.
Surprisingly, their major non-branded subsidiaries are just various movie and music companies. The only relevant app is a pretty huge streaming service, listed as being developed by itself.
- Stream movies and TV at the price of watching ads.
Perhaps I shall investigate other megacorporations soon.
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